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Monday, May 9, 2011

Practicing with my Ion team

So I recently ventured out in my Pokemon White game to catch the new legendary fighting dogs.

Steel Fighting type

I took my Jolly Munna with Synchronize ability out to Mistralton Cave where Cobalion waits. You first have to catch this one to unlock the other two.
It took me a couple retries to get a Cobalion I was happy with. I got a Jolly Cobalion with IV's 29|29|6|20|30|25. With that, I decided to put 252 EVs in speed and attack, and 6 in HP.

Rock Fighting type

After catching Cobalion, I put it in my PC, and set off to catch Terrakion. This Pokemon is located in Victory Road. There's a cave that would have previously been blocked from you before you caught Cobalion. If you enter through the Elite 4 side, it's down the left stair case and a bit further to the left.
I once again took my Jolly Munna with Synchronize ability, and after some retries caught a Jolly Terrakion with these IVs: 29|29|24|27|18|5. It's speed stat was disappointing to me, but I knew it's others made up for it.  So I chose to put 252 EVs in Speed and Attack, and 6 in HP.


Grass Fighting type

After catching Terrakion, I set off to Pinwheel Forest where Virizion is located. Just off a path near the double bridges. I took my Jolly Munna with me, hoping to catch a jolly Virizion, but I ended up with a Mild one, but I took it, because I figured I could have my Virizion be flexable, and learn both attack and special attack moves. Its IVs are: 29|26|20|20|29|31. Because of this, I chose to give it 252 EVs in Speed and Special Defense, and 6 in HP.

These three Pokemon are definitely made for Triple Battles. They're able to work together really well, and they all come with Helping Hand attack to boost each others' attacks in battle. I've made another video here showing just as an example of how these three work really well together, enjoy!

I hope this is useful to you for when you catch your Ion Pokemon. Just remember to save before you battle, and be patient, and take your time till you catch one you're happy with! :D

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