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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Triple Battle Demonstration

This isn't the best example battle, so once again, if I get a better example, I'll post it here.

So, in this video, there are some key points I want to highlight, given they're things I've already tried to point out in my previous posts, but this is showing an in-game example of those lessons.

At the 0:35 mark, Weavile uses a Physically contacting attack on my Chandelure which has Flame Body ability (30% burn chance on contact), as you saw, Weavile was burnt from that contact with my Chandelure.
Burns are useful in any battles. A burnt Pokemon will have only 50% their normal Attack Stat, so it's good to get Physical Attacking Pokemon burnt to weaken their attacks, and given the nature of Chandelure's ability, it is most often Physical Attack Pokemon that would get affected by it.

At the 1:20 mark, Spiritomb uses Swagger on Hydreigon, I didn't really talk about this attack before, but I wanted to point it out in this case. It proves to be useful to me in this battle, as it renders their Hydreigon useless for the rest of the battle. Swagger is best used on Pokemon in two ways.
-If they are Special attacking Pokemon, it will increase their attack stat so that they do a little more damage to themselves, without adding more damage to the attacks they use against you.
-If they are Attacking Pokemon, it boosts their Attack Stat, so it's a risk, but they also tend to do some serious damage to themselves in confusion, especially if they have a low Defense Stat. (I have seen a few different Attack based Pokemon with low Defense Stats knock themselves out in one hit when they've been swaggered in combination with other attack power ups)

At the 2:15 mark, Cofagrigus' Mummy ability is spread to Weavile, and at the 3:25 mark, Pikachu also loses it's ability to Mummy. The second case was more useful to me, as it meant I could use contact moves against Pikachu, without getting paralyzed, but it would also mean I'd get Mummy Ability on which ever Pokemon I used to physically contact it.

At the 2:25 mark, Rotom uses Rain Dance. Normally, I'd prefer Gengar to still be on the field at the time, as it has Thunder attack like Rotom, which gets 100% accuracy in Rain.

At the 2:40 mark, Cofagrigus uses Trick Room, which mean gave my team an advantage, allowing them to attack first, though if you notice, the opposing Pikachu is also slow, and so the next round, I aim two of my attacks towards it.

At the 6:00 mark, Rotom uses Discharge, which is an EFTA. It hits all Pokemon on the field in a Triple battle when in the Middle Position, which Rotom is in, as you can see, my Golurk is Ground type, and unaffected by the attack, if you had a Pokemon on Rotom's other side, it'd be best to use a Pokemon with one of these attributes:
Ground type 
Volt Absorb (Would heal up to 1/4 HP)
Motor Drive (Would up their Speed Stat)
Using Protect attack
Using Substitute attack
Using any attack that takes the user out of the field for one turn (eg. Fly, Bounce, Dig, Dive) Just make sure you have the timing right. (You want to have them out of the way before they use Discharge)
Resistant to Electric attacks (Grass. Electric and Dragon types)

That concludes this post for now, once again, any questions, please feel free to comment and ask. I'll do my best to answer. I'll be looking out for some interesting Triple Battle teams to show you in the next couple of posts. Until then, stay tuned! :D

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