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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pokemon Teams Part 1

The Rainy Day team:
There are many types of Rain based teams, and I intend on just presenting a few of the possibilities.

-First of all, what does the rain do?
Water moves are 50% stronger.
Fire moves are 50% weaker.
Solar Beam is slower to charge up.
Thunder and Hurricane attack never miss, and have a 25% chance of breaking through Protect/Detect attack
Synthisis, Morning Sun, and Moon Light only heal 25% HP.
Dry Skin ability Pokemon gain 1/16th HP each turn, and up to 1/4 HP if hit by water attacks
Rain Dish ability Pokemon gain 1/16th HP each turn.
Hydration ability Pokemon are cured of Status Problems.
Swift Swim ability Pokemon have their Speed doubled.

-Second, how do you activate the Rain?
There are two ways, either have a Pokemon use the attack Rainy Day, or send out a Pokemon with the ability Drizzle. The second way is best, as Drizzle lasts until the weather is changed, where Rainy Day will only last 5 turns, or 10 turns, if the user held a Damp Rock. (I might be wrong by how much the Damp Rock lengthens Rainy Day, but it definitely does.)

Now you know all the effects of having Rain in a Pokemon Battle.
The next step is to use this knowledge to your advantage, by making a team of Pokemon that will utilize these Rain effects to maximize the damage you can do, while also reducing the damage you take, or in this case, recover any lost HP.

Here's some examples of opening set ups for Triple Battles with a bit of an explanation:

A) Kingdra (Swift Swim ability and Surf Attack)
     Jellicent (Water Absorb ability and Muddy Water Attack)
     Politoed (Drizzle ability and Surf Attack)

This is a very useful set up, what you get is the ability to hit each Pokemon either side of the middle Pokemon with both a Surf attack and a Muddy Water attack, the second having a chance to lower their accuracy.
And the middle Pokemon gets hit by two Surf attacks, and a Muddy Water.
Because Kingdra will attack first usually, it might be a good idea to give it a Razor Fang as an example, as it will increase the chance to cause the first Pokemon to get hit to flinch.
You could also have Politoed hold a Water Gem, or something of the sort. You can get really creative, and play around with what items they hold to make this set up work that much better.

As for the extra three Pokemon you would need for a Triple Battle, its best to try get Pokemon that can replace those first three in any particular order, and still be very effective. Though, as we should know by now, sometimes you have to take a risk to get a good pay off.

So, I leave you with that, play around with a Rainy Day team, see how it works for you. Next time, I'll give some examples for other Weather based teams, and then start on non-weather based teams. The non-weather based teams will have a greater range in Pokemon types, which we all know, is a good thing to do, it's always easy to beat a team if they have a common weakness! Until next time! :D

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