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Monday, May 2, 2011

Checking For your Pokemon's IVs

I realised I forgot a vital tool. The ability to work out what IVs your Pokemon has.

Use this link to work it out, but let me explain it to you:

To know a Pokemon's IVs. You must also know that Pokemon's EVs.
If you know exactly how many EVs the Pokemon has in each stat, you can work it out, as the calculator in that link has a place for you to put the number of EVs it has in each stat.

The best way to work out a Pokemon's IVs, is to never have used it in battle before. That way you know it has no EVs at all.

IV calculations are very inaccurate when their level is low. So its a good idea to have a stock of Rare Candies to level the Pokemon up to around level 20 to get a fairly good calculation.
Rare Candies don't add any EVs to a Pokemon, so it's safe to use them to get a better calculation.

If you lack the Rare Candies. The fastest way to get them is to catch a team of Lilipups, level them up to at least 21. Don't let them evolve.

Lilipups have Pick Up ability, and if you battle two wild Pokemon, then check your team, there's a good chance at least one of them will have found an item. Most of the time it wont be what you want, but if all your Lilipups are above level 90, then they should find Rare Candies a lot.

Don't forget to add the Pokemon's Nature to the Calculator too.

Haxorus Level 57
Adamant Nature
HP - 171 - 6 EVs
Att - 248 - 252 EVs
Def - 122 - 0 EVs
Sp.Att - 73 - 0 EVs
Sp.Def - 100 - 0 EVs
Speed - 169 - 252 EVs

When you put this information into the IV calculator, you get these results:
HP - 30 - (30 or 31) 50% Accurate
Att - 31 - (OK!) 100% Accurate
Def - 26 - (26 or 27) 50% Accurate
Sp.Att - 16 - (OK!) 100% Accurate
Sp.Def - 27 - (27 or 28) 50% Accurate
Speed - 31 - (OK!) 100% Accurate

Try it out for yourself if you want to test it. Or give it a go with your own Pokemon.

Stay tuned for more! :D

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